Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy Student application and Release Form Student
Member First name:
Member last name:
I, undersigned wish to take martial arts lessons at the Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy, I also wish to participate in regular martial arts activities sponsored by the school. I know that martial arts can be a demanding physical activity and that it has certain inherent risks. I know that inherent risks include serious injury/and or death. I do herby knowingly and voluntarily assume those risks as a condition of me being allowed to participate in martial arts training at Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy. I herby waive and release any claim that I may hereafter acquire against the Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy and it's agents arising out of any physical injury that I may sustain while participating in any martial arts instruction or training with Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy. I understand and intend to waive and release these claims, even if they rise wholly or in part out of the negligence of or intentional actions of employees, agents, or the Chuan Fa Martial Arts Academy. I also give permission for Chuan Fa Martial arts Academy to use my image or likeness in the form of a photo or video for advertising or online posting purposes. We will of course ask for permission verbally and would never distribute or post anything that the student doesn't want us to. If under 18 this waiver and release must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Student
Member Signature or Parent/Guardian Signature if member is under 18